Blockchain Security & Cyber Fear Game-Changers


Shakacon (Honolulu, HI) —****12 July, 2017
Porosity: A Decompiler For Blockchain-Based Smart Contracts Bytecode (Matt Suiche)
Deep dive into Ethereum Smart-Contracts

BlackHat (Las Vegas, NV) —****27 July, 2017 **** TheShadowBrokers — Cyber Fear Game-Changers (Matt Suiche)
Since August 2016, the cyber game saw the emergence of a new player who repeatedly leaked offensive tools and operational notes allegedly belonging to the most powerful intelligence agency in the World — those leaks later resulted in global cyber-catastrophe such as WannaCry or NotPetya..

DEFCON (Las Vegas, NV)— 27 July, 2017 Porosity: A Decompiler For Blockchain-Based Smart Contracts Bytecode (Matt Suiche_)
Including the release of our open-source smart contract auditing and decompiler for Ethereum smart-contracts._Make the Cyber Great Again!